Sunday, October 31, 2010
Wonderful life....
Don't let go
Never give up, it's such a wonderful life
Don't let go
Never give up, it's such a wonderful life
Monday, October 25, 2010
BGM - ''Winter sonata'' - ''In my memory''
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Ai nevoie de raspunsuri clare,de idei ,de sperante ce nu sunt in van,de precizia momentului ales...
Te gandesti mereu daca nu cumva ai schimba cate ceva pe ici pe colo,daca ai putea o face...
Te gandesti poate sa fi oprit timpul din mersul lui rapid pentru a savura anumite momente speciale din viata ta...
O viata ai,si uiti sa o traiesti...
Probabil nu uiti de a dreptul,insa ceva din sufletul tau nu se potriveste cu acest cadru in care evoluezi,cu scena pe care joci acest teatru al vietii...
Poate iti lipseste ceva drag si tocmai de aceea refuzi alte oportunitati,in speranta ca va fi altfel,si vei putea trai...
Se poate sa fie cum iti doresti tu sau poate ca nu va fi niciodata asa ci doar iti imaginezi ceva imposibil si pierzi bucuriile vietii,aceea de a cunoaste iubirea,prietenia,distractia cu prietenii,soarele ce ne incalzeste,iarba verde,copacii maronii,omatul ce se asterne peste pamant precum o plapuma ocrotitoare,tot ce e frumos pe lumea asta imbibata doar in suferinta si ura...
Uiti cum e intr adevar sa TRAIESTI,sa te bucuri de tot,de propriul EU liber sa cunoasca tot ce e frumos,bun...Ii dai cu zaharelul de teama de a nu l pierde,de a nu fi aruncat in alta extrema,undeva unde poate iti va placea...
Sa inchidem ochii pentru o clipa si sa ne intrebam: "asta vreau sa fiu?asa vreau sa ma regasesc?"
Regasirea e cea mai importanta,cauta in adancul sufletului tau si da ti drumul la imaginatie,inarmeaza te cu iubire si dorinta de a cunoaste frumosul,nu doar ura si uratul...
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Poate candva....
Din vechi amintiri, in sufletu-mi gol,
Se varsa un zvon de priviri.
Mai luceste in ochii-i acelasi smarald,
Ce umple si gand si simtiri...
Din trecutu-mi de pasi fara rost, fara tel,
O umbra se-neaca in plansetul meu...
Un bat aruncat in padurea de fagi,
Un scancet uitat intr-un strigat de zeu..
Negru foc tot aprind intr-un ochi lacrimand...
Ma calca pe nervi un cobzar suspinand...
Caut, astept, caci poate candva....
Voi afla ca exista undeva cineva....
In urma mea,
Ori inainte...
Amintiri, turn de fildes,
Cuminte, cuminte!
" ai aruncat pe furis
rubine sangerii
in linistea sufletului meu
starnind valuri fierbinti
de sentimente vii
boboci de iubire abia infloriti
azi...ti-am aratat
cum s-atingi cerul
intr-un sublim suspin
o soapta interzisa
.. un dulce sarut,
o strangere-n brate
un zambet divin
azi... mi-ai dat umarul gol
sa-l sarut
genele-ti lungi, s-au zbatut sfioase
de freamatul buzelor
traind dorul mut
iar soapte,
plutesc in aer nespuse.."
Thursday, October 21, 2010
What I hate the most...
Mirabela&Marian Nistor - Frunza mea albastra
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What time is it?
Donno...maybe midnight...why?
Just askin'...(and she keeps watching the moon with the stars...)
Tell me,pls...
Nothing...just...I'm waiting...
Waiting for what?you're watching the stars...
Yes ,indeed,they're beautiful aren' t they???
Yes,they are,but nothing's gonna come from there...
You're wrong...
Why?tell me...
I just told you(and her green eyes sparkled in the light of the moon...)
I guess I'll have to wait and see right?
Maybe not tonight...but...someday...who knows...
Now u really got me confused...
It's okay...(she smiles...)
God!my head is spinnind around!!!!
I told you...I'm waiting for something...
Something or someone?
Maybe both,maybe none...Who knows?
I don t know, that's for sure,not even what u are talking about...
U'll me...U're my true friend,u'll find out someday...
C'mon,tell me something ...I'm clueless...
(silence....she keeps smiling...)...U know ...I don t even know...
... how come u don t know???...
Cause my waiting seems in vain...sometimes I lose hope...
Don't do that...Keep ur head up...Look at the stars ,they're marvellous and they're just for u dancing...
I know but sometimes I get the feeling it's just my illusion...but...I keep smiling and hopping...
This is why every night u ask me what time is it?u hope he'll come?
Yes...I guess...You know what?
What I hate the most now ...
Tell me...
What I hate the most is being so far away from him...
I...donno what to say...It's sad...
It is...But I keep my head up and say that it's just a bad dream and I'm going to wake up any minute...few minutes after midnight...
Now I understand...
(silence...The conversation with herself it's over now...She enters the room and lays in her bed...)
Ba esti nebun?!?!?!?!
Nu ma intreba ce-am facut ca nu stiu !
Nu ma suna decat foarte tarziu !
Nu ma stresa, nu-i momentul acum!
Uita tot ce spun, ba esti nebun ?!
Dupa o noapte furtunoasa,fara vant,fara ploaie
Si o relatie serioasa, consumata intr-o baie
M-am intors acasa,nu stiu cand,nu stiu cum
Ca dupa Tai-Fun , ba esti nebun ?!
Ravasit,obosit,si lipsit de puteri !
Spart,beat si nemancat de ieri !
Deci imi cer prea mult,si cei mult nu e bun !
Asculta ce spun, ba esti nebun ?!
Probabil ca da,sunt lipsit de control
Sunt dependent de sunet,stropit cu alcool
In club aud doar BUM BUM BUM !
O mana sus,pun sus in fum !
Saturday, October 16, 2010
2nite in Flames...
I went to see her dance one day
In play by a wailing wall
Now she is gone
But the song lives on
Zealous and maniacal
The Eastern sword must fall
Winged seraphim hold love's trembling hand
Beside our waiting graves
As war roars about our precious land
Seeking cause to subjugate
Tonight in flames
Tonight the world will fear our names
Tonight in flames
Stay my feeble hearth
Our deaths will be the start
Of something glorious and vain
Tonight in flames!
The speed of pain...
When you want it
It goes away too fast
Time u hate it
It always seems to last
But just remember when you think you're free
The crack inside your fucking heart is me ...
I wanna outrace the speed of pain for another day
Lie to me, cry to me, give to me
I would
Lie with me, die with me, give to me
I would
Keep all your secrets wrapped in dead hair
I hope at least we die holding hands for always ...
Friday, October 15, 2010
Blog Action Day 2010....
Blog Action Day 2010: Water from Blog Action Day on Vimeo.
This year s topic is WATER...CLEAN WATER which is a human right...We all have the right to be safe when we drink a glass of water...
In Africa women walk over 40 billion hours each year carrying cisterns weighing up to 18 kilograms to gather water, which is usually still not safe to drink...Also children under 5 die anually because of the unsafe water and poor living conditions...
The disregard for water resources in industrialized countries impacts more than humans – it causes environmental devastation.
Every day, 2 million tons of human waste are disposed of in water sources. This not only negatively impacts the environment but also harms the health of surrounding communities...
The oceans ,seas are polluted and even those little living creatures are harmed...Along them also the humans are infected...
But the good news is that WE CAN DO SOMETHIN'!!!There are many organizations working on solutions regarding the water crisis...
Organizations like and charity: water are leading the charge in bringing fresh water to communities in the developing world...
We can all take small steps to help keep pollution out of our rivers and streams, like correctly disposing of household wastes...
Even when going to a picnic near a lake or a source of water our duty is to remove all the garbage we do and not letting it there,especially in the water...
A first step in cleaning water starts with our own hygiene so every time you go out to relax take some time and think about your life and the others and keep it all clean and safe...DO NOT POLLUTE ANYMORE!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Vine o zi...
Doar cantul meu si un pic de noroc
Stiu, nu e mult dar e suflet curat
Si adevarat, si adevarat...
Monday, October 11, 2010
Happy birthday Mihai!!!!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
The Shape of my heart...
I'm here with my confession
Got nothing to hide no more
I don't know where to start
But to show you the shape of my heart...
I'm lookin' back on the things I've done
I never wanna play the same old part
I'll keep you in the dark
Now let me show you the shape of my heart
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Amintiri cu tine...
Amintiri cu tine vin si nu mai pleaca
Timpul a trecut si credeam ca o sa imi treaca
Privesc fereastra ta,dar tu ai un alt drum
Si nu simt nici ploaia care cade acum
Inchide ochii si citeste in sufletul meu
Nici nu sunt cuvinte sa iti spun ce simt eu
Nu pot,orice as face..
Nu pot sa fiu la fel,fara tine...
Monday, October 4, 2010
Inapoi in timp...Aminteste ti!!!
Richard Clayderman - Love story
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Privesc in urma vad...Ma vad copilul ce eram odata,cu visurile mele de atunci...
Ma uit nostalgic,vad un copil plin de viata,,de dorinta,cu inima mare...Aveam planuri mari,imi pusesem in gand multe cand voi fi mare...Fire vesela,fatza mereu cu un zambet mare,visatoare...Ma uit si o vad acolo,in inocenta ei de moment cum vorbeste despre viitor,despre iubire,implinire...
Visa mult acel copil,avea aspiratii mari ...Insa ea credea in ele,avea speranta ca intr o buna zi isi va implini visl cel mare...
Ea era o copila,e adevarat,inbsa gandurile o maturizau ,era un copil matur...Asa se vedea...Iubea tot,daruia tot si nu se lasa doborata de nimic...Puternic ERA acest copil...
Cu toate ca majoritatea timpului era singura,ea nu se simtea asa,era in compania gandurilor,veseliei,visa cu ochii deschisi...
Veselia ei molipsea totul in jur,cu toate ca nu era agreata,din diverse cauze ce nici acum nu le stie...Poate era prea visatoare,nu lua seama realitatii.
Dar nu i pasa,nu,in niciun caz,ea continua sa fie vesela,nebunatica,sa fie EA INSASI...
Pentru ea conta faptul ca stia ce vrea,ca si pusese n minte multe,pe care stia ca mai devreme mai sau tarziu le va realiza...
Avea multe de daruit,avea sufletul ei mai ales,pe care l a daruit nestiind ce va urma...De fapt nici nu i pasa...
S a indragostit pentru prima data...Simtea ca zboara,era ceva nou...
Insa in naivitatea ei de copil visul s a spulberat iar inima i a fost facuta cioburi-cioburi...Atat de mici ca nu le putea pune cap la cap...
Cu toate astea,a tinut in ea durerea si a mers mai departe cu visurile si gandurile ei mari...
Ma uit la ea cat de naiva era;doar un copil,ce stia ea?Presupun ca nu multe,insa destule cat sa reuseasca sa treaca peste dezamagire mare,sa nu se lase doborata asa de usor...
O admir pentru curajul de a merge mai departe,singura pe drum,insa...nimic nu umplea cu adevarat golul din sufletul ranit...
A continuat insa cu fruntea sus,ca un copil matur ce devenise,singura din nou,insa fara sa i fie afectate dorintele si aspiratiile...
Cu timpul insa a renuntat sa mai viseze,sa mai rada ca inainte,nu mai este asa...Cu toate ca acum este inconjurata de oameni,de multi,se simte ...SINGURA...
Ai uitat sa visezi?De ce?Parca erai o fire vesela ,visatoare,un copil inocent...
Unde e copilul din tine,atat de inocent si vesel???Ce s a intamplat?Credeam ca vei ramane MEREU cu zambetul pe buze,ca vei visa mereu!
Asa te vedeam peste 10 ani!
Parca viata nu te a doborat cand erai un copil,de ce te a doborat acum?Uiti cat de bine era sa fii copil?
OOOffff cat as vrea sa ma intorc in timp sa o aduc pe EA de atunci sa ti dea o palma tie CEA de acum sa ti revii...
Nu uita ca mereu spuneai"Daca esti la pamant,ridica te!Cazi din nou te ridici iar cu fruntea sus si zambesti!"
Unde e speranta?Unde e bunatatea?Uita te in urma cu 10 ani si o vei regasi!
Nu uita ca e in TINE!Nu te lasa doborata,fruntea sus!Nu uita sa cauti copilul din tine!!!
Blog Archive
- Ni te tengo ni te olvido...
- Inapoi in timp...Aminteste ti!!!
- Amintiri cu tine...
- The Shape of my heart...
- Happy birthday Mihai!!!!
- Vine o zi...
- Cool video !!!!
- Blog Action Day 2010....
- The speed of pain...
- 2nite in Flames...
- Ba esti nebun?!?!?!?!
- What I hate the most...
- Poate candva....
- Regasirea...
- Wonderful life....