Asta e melodia ce merge perfect pentru ziua asta de Dragobete si pentru restul zilelor in care va veti iubi.... Dedicati o persoanei iubite pentru ca merita...La multi ani porumbeilor romani!!!
Fiindca esti cu mine, iti multumesc! La rau si la bine iti multumesc! Pentru gestu-n sine ca m-ai ales, Dintre toti, pe mine, iti multumesc! Pentru bunatate iti multumesc, Si sinceritate iti multumesc, Pentru felu-n care imi spui "te iubesc!" Plin de simplitate, Pentru aceste toate daruri minunate ITI MULTUMESC!
Pentru frumusete iti multumesc, Pentru tinerete iti multumesc, Mie oferite pur si firesc Dup-atata vreme Eu le simt eterne Asta vrand sa-nsemne Ca-ti multumesc!
Pentru felu-n care imi spui "te iubesc!" Plin de simplitate Pentru aceste toate daruri minunate ITI MULTUMESC!
Fiindca esti cu mine, iti multumesc La rau si la bine, iti multumesc Pentru gestu-n sine ca m-ai ales Dintre toti pe mine ITI MULTUMESC! Pentru felu-n care imi spui "te iubesc!" Plin de simplitate Pentru asceste toate daruri mïnunate ITI MULTUMESC!
Something ugly this way comes Through my fingers sliding inside All these blessings all these burns I'm godless underneath your cover Search for pleasure search for pain In this world now I am undying I unfurl my flag my nation helpless
Black black heart why would you offer more Why would you make it easier on me to satisfy I'm on fire I'm rotting to the core I'm eating all your kings and queens All your sex and your diamonds
As I begin to lose my grip On these realities your sending Taste your mind and taste your sex I'm naked underneath your cover Covers lie and we will bend and borrow With the coming sign The tide will take the sea will rise and time will rape
Black black heart why would you offer more Why would you make it easier on me to satisfy I'm on fire I'm rotting to the core I'm eating all your kings and queens All your sex and your diamonds
Black black heart why would you offer more Why would you make it easier on me to satisfy I'm on fire I'm rotting to the core I'm eating all your kings and queens All your sex and your diamonds All your sex and your diamonds All your sex and your diamonds All your sex and your diamonds All your sex and your diamonds
Read these simple lines,they are the sound of my black heart... "All I need is true love...Can u give me that?Are u ready to fight for this heart?Are u ready to make sacrifices just to change my colour? I'm alone in my soul,i don t know whom to trust anymore...Can anyone help me find that one thing missing ?Can anyone help me believe in love again?I tried to scream out loud but seems that no one's listenin' to me,not anymore...they all got scared and ran away from me...It's because of my colour?It's because I don t know how to feel again?I feel hopeless and lonely...I don t know what to think anymore about all the things surrounding me...If I could choose my best moment,I would choose the one I felt love...Life without love is so empty and lonely...I would do anything to find someone make me believe again in u...Where have u gone?"
Am mers peste mari si tari, Am mers si pe sapte carari, Am fost si-n alte vieti, Dar tu, aceeasi plecare repeti
Stelele ma dor, Ca-s mai frumoase de atatea ori, De cand noaptea esti a lor, Dar o viata esti a mea,
Nu pot sa ma obisnuiesc fara tine, Si nici nu vreau sa-nvat, Nu pot sa te-nlocuiesc cu oricine, Dar poate o sa-ti sterg iubirea, Si amintirea, Cand lacrimi de coniac, Din ochi mi se desfac
Dau zeci de ani la schimb, Pentru o noapte sa mai pacatuim, Pentru ultimul dans, Iti dau toata dragostea in avans
Stelele ma dor (stelele ma dor), Ca-s mai frumoase de atatea ori, De cand noaptea esti a lor, Dar o viata esti a mea
Nu pot sa ma obisnuiesc fara tine, Si nici nu vreau sa-nvat, Nu pot sa te-nlocuiesc cu oricine, Dar poate o sa-ti sterg iubirea, Si amintirea, Cand lacrimi de coniac, Din ochi mi se desfac
Nu pot, Nu pot, Nu pot,
Nu pot sa ma obisnuiesc fara tine, Si nici nu vreau sa-nvat, Nu pot sa te-nlocuiesc cu oricine, Dar poate o sa-ti sterg iubirea, Si amintirea, Cand lacrimi de coniac, Lacrimi de coniac, Din ochi mi se desfac
Happy V ' Day !!!! Iubiti va mult asta e ceea ce conteaza... La multi ani si celor ce poarta numele de Valentin...Sa fiti iubiti si sa iubiti la randul vostru,sa fiti fericiti... La multi ani indragostitilor!!!!
Nu ridici mana pentru a mangaia, Deschizi gura doar pentru a tipa, Lasi urme de durere si rusine… Candva am fost la fel de prost ca tine… 8 dimineata, v-ati asezat la masa, Dar copiii tai se uita in pamant la ei in casa… Sunt speriati, linistea-i apasatoare, Se aud doar doua linguri ce amesteca-n pahare… Si n-au curaj sa-si priveasca mama, Au vazut deja la baie ca-ncerca s-ascunda rana, Ca ai venit tarziu aseara, mort de beat, Dintr-o data, cand mancai, te-ai oprit si ai turbat… Ai aruncat cu telefonu’ in perete, Farfuria a zburat pe biciclete, Mijlocu’ noptii si vecinii dimprejur Auzeau doar vocea ta cum scuipa injuraturi… Ai urlat la ea ca totu’ a fost prea sarat, Fara sa stii ca aia mici stateau ascunsi sub pat Si se tineau de mana, in timp ce tu, in dormitor, O loveai cu palma pe femeia vietii lor… Ti-arunci neputinta pe sotie Si iti amputezi copiii inca din copilarie… Boule… Le umpli viata de rusine… Prostule… Candva am fost la fel ca tine… Tie-ti place cand ploua, da’ nu observi ca ploua Acum cu lacrimi peste tine cand ii rupi inima-n doua, Cand o faci sa se simta de parca are cu capu’, Cand faci pe dracu’… Tipi la ea ca disperatu’… E fara tine cu tine, tu dai in ea fara rost Pentru ca zice ce simte, o arzi mai mult decat prost Pentru ca vede ce faci si cum o minti in draci Si cum nu-ti pasa ca vede ca esti la alta-ntre craci… Macar de-ai sti sa vorbesti, da’ tu i-arati c-o lovesti, S-arati ca-ti pasa de casa i-ar fi de-ajuns, te gandesti… E fara tine de mult, pare ca s-a obisnuit, Aproape ca-si doreste azi sa nu te fi iubit… Si ai sa mori dac-ai s-o pierzi, nici macar nu crezi Ca la anii pe care-i ai esti prea prost sa stii ca pierzi… Sunt mai mic decat tine, da-mi aminteste de mine, Nu demult, sa zic, eram si eu la fel de prost ca tine…
I can take the rain on the roof of this empty house That don't bother me I can take a few tears now and then and just let them out
I'm not afraid to cry every once in a while even though Goin' on with you gone still upsets me There are days every now and again I pretend I'm okay But that's not what gets me
What hurts the most Was being so close And havin' so much to say And watchin' you walk away
And never knowin' What could've been And not seein' that lovin' you Is what I was tryin' to do
It's hard to deal with the pain of losin' you everywhere I go But I'm doin' it It's hard to force that smile when I see our old friends and I'm alone Still harder gettin' up, gettin' dressed, livin' with this regret But I know if I could do it over I would trade, give away all the words that I saved in my heart That I left unspoken
What hurts the most Is being so close And havin' so much to say (Much to say) And watchin' you walk away
And never knowin' What could've been And not seein' that lovin' you Is what I was tryin' to do, oh Oh yeah
What hurts the most Was being so close And havin' so much to say (To say) And watchin' you walk away
And never knowin' What could've been And not seein' that lovin' you Is what I was tryin' to do
Not seein' that lovin' you That's what I was trying to do, ooo
The faint blaze of the candle of my life,
slowly dying like a fire in a pouring rain.
No sparks of hope inside,
no shooting stars on my sky.
On broken wings, no flying high...